Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Props to You

One of the most important things about selling online is great photography. Not only because online buyers rely on them to know exactly what they're buying but also because great eye candy gets people interested in seeing more.
I love using interesting compositions and props and I've found some super easy ways to make it eco-friendly and free!
Here are a few examples from my shop:


Is there anything you can't learn from a book?
The inside cover of a large coffee table book provided this awesome shade of retrotastic orange for my handmade brooch. No need to rip out the page, just prop open the book for an instant mini set!

As a bonus, the apple sticks were on loan (unused) from my pet rat but I'm sure there are many unsuspecting bits of interesting plant matter in your yard that would make great nature-inspired compositions...

Vintage Dishes

Shopping for vintage housewares is like a treasure hunt and sometimes you can hit the jackpot with items like this gorgeous milk glass compote bowl and olive green fish scale mug. Perfect for hanging earrings!


This rusty-orange is brought to you by some incredibly ugly vintage curtains with just the right silky texture and light for a close-up. You can find all kinds of interesting colors and textures looking through your closet - just don't tell anyone you used a pair of silk unmentionables for your great shots! :)

Discarded Gift Wrap

Awesome yellow gift wrap that came with my Easter Lily. The color and texture offset nicely the soft colors of the ring.

...A similar effect comes from crumple decorative tissue paper from birthday gifts.

What else is lying around your home or destined for the trash that could be transformed into something awesome?

Good Hunting!

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